• 2019

  • Website Design
  • Development

Designed by Oscar Niemeyer, the National Museum of the Republic was already featured in the Brasilia Pilot Plan Report, prepared in 1957 by Lúcio Costa, and was designed to be part of the Southern Cultural Sector of the New Capital. The Museum represents an architectural synthesis of high modernity that makes up the monuments of the Esplanade of Ministries.

Project information


Direção criativa e direção de arte:
Marcos Mendes Manente

Estratégia de marca:
Elisa Mendes

Antônio Bonifácio e Paulo Henrique Paranhos

Bruna Amora

Design gráfico:
Leo Porto e Felipe Rocha

Assistente design:
Vinicius Caetano

Lais Ikoma e Ronaldo Arthur Vidal

Web design:
Danilo Campos e Carlos Kun

Conteúdo e social media:
front filmes

Glauber Sampaio